books and environmental resources for kids

A Worm's Eye View... the Recycling History of the World
Take a journey through time and follow the Recycling history of the world as told by Wilbur Worm.
Worms are expert recyclers. After all, they've been doing it since the days of the dinosaurs. Even back then, they spent many hours eating their way through giant, steamy dung heaps; turning them into food for plants - organic recycling.
Sounds simple doesn't it?
But the history of the worm has not always been easy.
Check out how worms have survived through the Ages to claim their rightful place among us, as Nature's recyclers...
![]() In prehistoric times, Nature was in balance. The plants grew, animals ate them and us worms recycled the waste. How did we do that? | ![]() We ate the waste and created the world's first fertiliser, full of nutrients. | ![]() Darwin had a lot to say about worms. he thought they were very important in the history of the world! |
![]() But no-one listened to Darwin and his wonderful words praising worms and their earth-moving work | ![]() worms play a much more important role than feeding the fish | ![]() Healthy soil means plenty of worms. The more organic material there is for the worms to munch on in your soil, the happier they will be. |
![]() Can you make worms as well as us? | ![]() At school, worms learn the importance of recycling- much the same as you! | ![]() Worm farms are like five star resorts for worms. We can eat as much waste there as we like! And we turn it into a great soil conditioner for crops and plants |
'Lowly worm is on the ascendant. Read this magnificent book and find out as Darwin did how worms shaped the world.'
Robyn Williams AM, ABC Science Show
'Among the first animals to enrich the Earth, more than half a billion years ago, were worms. Thery were everywhere! And soon everything depended on them. The wonderful Wilbursaurus Worm was, is and, than evolution, will always be the world's best friend!'
Mike Archer, Director Australian Museum
'This book results in the best kind of learning... the sneaky sort that happens while you are having fun. It's a delight.'
Sandra McEwen, Curator Biotechnology, Powerhouse Museum
Nature's Recyclers
Making the World go around
Humble Worm Facts
Worm Health
Worms through the Ages
The downfall of the Worm
Chemical Age & Effects on the Soil
Where have all the Worms gone?
Darwin's discovery
Why are worms so important?
Worm Farms for Worms
How you can help our Worms